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Review By Klaus-Peter - Aschaffenburg, Germany - 11 July 1998

Hi Manish!

I'm happy you enjoyed your trip to Germany, to get the opportunity to see this special concert. Don't even know if this is for the Bulletin Board, Review or probably only personal for you, this concert was a life-time experience.

I think for all of us Nip Fans this concert in Aschaffenburg was the most special, extraordinary performance of Whitney we ever saw. It was unique. Of course, her voice was a bit affected (but noone should wonder about that, Whitney has to face different climatic conditions every 2 days while touring, and these cold and dusty winds in Aschaffenburg could even bring the most healthy down). But I don't mind about the high notes she couldn't reach, I think the unique, the golden in Nip's voice lies somewhere else. And this magic, the force behind, was always present in this concert.
It was supposed to be the perfect, giant ending of a great European tour. And it is, although so very different from all expectations, including Whitney's, for sure.
Yes, the unbelievable started, when the power went off. Nip still managed to entertain the crowd of 65.000 without electricity. As we (Fanclub members) had the opportunity to be in the very front of stage, you could hear Whitney talking without micro, she sat down to listen to "We believe in Whitney", everything so close, personal. After that the rest of the program seemed to be spontanous, especially for that occasion, as you could her sing "I love the lord ... he turned the power on" and "You are so beautiful", her way of saying "Thank you" to the patient audience. This woman managed to entertain people without electricity, having vocal problems and still doing powerful versions of her songs. That's what I call a true artist, a blessed singer. But the big difference of all her shows was Whitney starting to cry, not only some tears, she really was moved by (?). What would we, the fans, give to know the reason for her tears. Private problems, Bobby, is she expecting a baby, the pressure of the tour, she certainly wanted a "perfect" show like most of the others of this tour, and then it turned out to be so different, probably all of this mixed up. Did she ever cry on stage that way? A different show, but I prefer it to the others I saw when her voice was in perfect shape and everything happening just as planned. Aschaffenburg could assist to Whitney as an artist and singer, and as a "real life" woman at the same time.

I'm still moved, touched, unable to put this experience into words. The other side of this event is the general, public reception of it. Many of the people in the audience thought Nip's tears are part of the show. And ,as expected, the concert was mostly reviewed in the press as some kind of disaster. It's always the same thing: they try to fit Whitney in that cliché-box of an American mainstream singer, with calculated tears like you can find them on TV shows. They simply don't want to know, and even change FACTS to simple lies just to maintain this image. I feel so sorry for Whitney, hope she doesn't take these mean words to her heart, better she never get's to know them.

Manish, I bought several papers with reviews in them, too many to translate them all. Most of them show that the journalists don't really even know about Whitney, what's makes it easy to write these stupid reports. Only one review is sympathatic and nice, fortunately of one of Germanys most serious papers. I'll try to excerpt the main ideas of all and mail them as soon as I can. I'M also about to write to one of the papers complaining the missing profissionality in simply changing facts.

Unfortunately we couldn't meet, but I'm sure you had a big time.





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