[From People Magazine] Whitney and Bobby Chill " I just got out of prison, so i really need [a break]", says Brown, 37. He and Houston, 40, who spent time at a substance-abuse facility in March (and traveled to the Bahamas with a counselor), dined poolisde and shopped with family. But Brown apparrently steered clear of the buffet. "I'm tyring to get rid of [my belly]", says the singer, who added 15lbs. during a month in jail on a parole violation. He blamed the gain on a "lack of anybody taking the fork out of my hand". Brown will be back in the public
arena April 30 when, in a Dateline NBC interview, he tells Stone Phillips
that he once spent weeks getting high "on coke ... marijuana at the same
time, alcohol", partly to avoid arguing with his wife. Now? "It's
kick-back time for my wife", he says. "She needed it". NEWSFILE:
29 APRIL 2004 |