[The New York Post Bites Back Once Again] IF Whitney Houston sounded so good on July 1 in Atlantic City, why won't her reps send over a tape of the concert? Her flack, Nancy Seltzer, never called us back before we reported how Whitney's voice cracked, and she didn't finish some songs. The next day, when Seltzer's minion called to complain, he offered to send us a concert tape. But no tape arrived. The spin doctors must have decided on Plan B, which was planting a story in the Daily News saying how great Whitney sounded. Yesterday, when we asked Seltzer's office why they didn't send the tape, they said, "We've decided not to." Maybe they listened to it? What the New York Post should have said here - if they told the truth for a change - is that they were offered a copy of the tape and they said they'd come back if they wanted it. More lies. If you don't like being lied to by the New York Post and feel they stop skirting around issues and clutching to new lies, forgetting the last set they told, please don't hesitate to email them. Whitney's fans are still waiting for the New York Post to retract their original report claiming she sang 'Star Spangled Banner' and 'American Pie' amongst other lies, with an apology from 'reporter' Paula Froelich. NEWSFILE: 12 JULY 2000 |