[From Billboard] Houston, We Have Lift-off Following the signing of a new [over] $100 million contract with Arista Records, Whitney Houston is "collecting songs" for her next project, which will be out in 2002, according to Arista Records president/CEO Antonio "L.A." Reid. "We're looking at producers," he says. "My conversations with her have focused on making an album that her fans will feel is a very personal album. I'm not saying [the songs] should reflect the state of her personal life, but I want something that feels personal." He expects her to be in the studio by year's end. Reid and Houston will co-executive produce the project. The deal, Reid says, does not extend the number of albums Houston owes the label. (She had at least five remaining on her current contract.) "The idea is to motivate her and encourage her, and -- I find this very important -- if she is the biggest-selling artist on Arista Records, and if she is the queen of Arista, I think her deal should reflect that. This was an acknowledgement of her greatness. This wasn't an exchange for more songs or albums." NEWSFILE: 11 AUGUST 2001 |