Whitney At Hearing...
TV Report]

Whitney At A Hearing For Her Boy
Standing by her man and hidden behind
sunglasses, a somber-looking Whitney Houston arrived at an Atlanta
courthouse, Wednesday, where her husband, Bobby Brown, faced charges of
hitting his superstar wife in the face back in December.
Whitney, on break from her stint in rehab, was sporting a short new haircut.
Bobby arrived with a new legal team after his former lawyer quit, reportedly
because he was never paid.
"Extra's" learned that the embattled singer will be back in court in July.
Until then, the judge issued Bobby one stern warning: "You better not touch
her again."
Brown’s new attorneys, Maurice Bennett and Phaedra Parks, said they're
pleased with the outcome of the hearing.
Despite the charges he faced today, Bobby and Whitney still looked very much
together as they left the courthouse amidst a sea of cameras -- which is
very important for the case: Bobby will need his wife's support when he
stands trial for battery.
For more on Brown and Houston, check out Wednesday’s edition of "Extra."
5 MAY 2004