Prayer Vigil...
Whitney's Mom to pray with NY radio station
(Apr. 2, 2004) *Cissy Houston, singer
and mother of Whitney Houston, has probably put in some deep knee time over
Whitney, but now she's encouraging other mothers to do the same.
Next week begins Holy Week and Monday, April 5, Ms. Houston, along with
KISS-FM and prominent New York area ministers, will lead a prayer vigil from
7-9pm at Harlem's historic Abyssinian Baptist Church, located at 132 Odell
Clark Place (138th Street between Lenox Ave. and Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
Ms. Houston is calling on mothers to pray for their sons and daughters who
are affected by substance abuse. A number of well-known entertainers,
Pastors and community leaders from the New York metro and Tri-state
vicinity, will join Houston and KISS-FM at the prayer vigil. The list of
participating clergy include Rev. Dr. Calvin O. Butts, III, Bishop George
Seawright, Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Joe A. Carter, Rev. DeForest Buster
Soaries, Jr. and Rev. Lester Taylor.
Houston hopes the vigil will remind mothers of the power they have "to come
together in prayer, to pray for our children for healing and deliverance."
Rev. Calvin Butts, Pastor of Abyssinian Baptist Church, who will open the
prayer vigil, added, "So many of our young people find themselves in
challenging situations. Parents, spouses, family members and friends are
giving as much as they can. We, as a community can under gird that support
with our prayers. Prayer changes things and we are praying for the recovery,
health and strength of all our young people who are challenged by the
scourge of drugs and alcohol."
Toya Beasley, Program Director at KISS-FM summed up the event saying, "In
the past we've taken a stand on hard issues like violence and disease, but
we never talk about the devastation caused in our communities and to our
families from substance abuse. KISS-FM wants you to stand with us at the
Abyssinian Baptist Church as we come together for a powerful evening of
prayer. We're coming together to save lives because KISS cares."