[From Fox 411] And then there's Whitney Houston I'd heard recently that her condition was not good, and that this talented woman had fallen back into old habits. Then, a few weeks ago, I started getting calls from a publicist who said he represented Kevin Skinner , Whitney's admitted former drug dealer and her late father's "business partner." Skinner claimed he was going to publish a book about Whitney and her family, ostensibly to "destroy" them. He even sent me a mock-up of his book jacket. No publisher seemed to be involved. I asked Skinner if he had an attorney, and he said he did. But there was no such person, or no way of finding the name of the man mentioned. Skinner returned to the ether. A week so or later, his publicist e-mailed me that he had quit the project and that Skinner was a liar. Certainly every single thing he promised to publish would have embarrassed Whitney and her family. Two nights ago, my phone rang at 1 a.m. with Skinner's number, but no one was on the other end. Whitney's world for the last several years has been one of mayhem, arrests, accidents and episodes. She has squandered what could have been the most important chapter of her career on living like an outlaw. Much less qualified singers have taken her place. A new generation has grown up without her. The damage she's done herself has been severe. We can only hope that this stint in rehab will do the trick. At 41, this lifestyle is no longer amusing. It's dangerous.