CNN: Houston makes a comeback with first album in seven years
The pair was in a side room at the Beverly Hilton Hotel just before the Los Angeles, California, listening session for "I Look to You," Houston's first album in seven years, scheduled to be released Sept. 1. "I just took a break, which sometimes you have to," said Houston, 45, looking elegant in diamonds and a black Prada dress. "You have to know when to slow that train down and kind of just sit back and relax for a minute." This was definitely the
old Whitney -- pre-troubled marriage to Bobby Brown and pre-comment to Diane
Sawyer that "crack is wack." Heads bobbed while the songs thumped over the loudspeakers, with applause and cheers erupting after each cut. To the amusement of those seated in the audience, even Davis shook his shoulders behind his podium and pumped his fist to the beat from time-to-time. A ballad on the new disc, "I Didn't Know My Own Strength," alludes to Houston's personal troubles in recent years. The song, written especially for Houston by Diane Warren, includes the lyrics: I didn't know my own strength, And I crashed down and I tumbled, But I did not crumble. Houston deftly steered the focus away from herself, saying she identified with the lyrics because everyone has been through ups and downs in life. At the end of the session, Houston stepped from the wings to a standing ovation. "I'm humbled," she said, her hand on her heart. "There's so much love in the room." Then she joked, "Jane Fonda's at my listening party? How cool am I?" AEG chairman and CEO Randy Phillips also was hanging around, no doubt ready to pounce on a chance to promote her next tour. I think it's the biggest hit she's had," Barry Manilow said. "It was really, really good," Stevie Wonder said. "God takes care of his children."
24 JULY 2009 |