Family Visit...
Brown, Whitney Houston and Family Visit the Village of Peace, Dimona -

On May 25-31 entertainment superstars
Bobby Brown, Whitney Houston and family made a personal, spiritual retreat
to the Holy Land and the Village of Peace in Dimona, Israel with the African
Hebrew Israelites. The journey provided a rare opportunity for the family to
get away from the hectic, demanding life in the public eye. What better
place for such spiritual reflection and introspection than the Holy Land and
in the midst of a community of people who have been proclaimed “the miracle
in the desert,’ by the U.S. Human Rights Caucus and an “island of sanity,”
by Teva Hadvareem (The Nature of Things) magazine, Israel’s version of
National Geographic!
Also, Whitney used the trip to the land of the Bible to gain inspiration for
her upcoming Christmas album.
As expected the family visited many places of spiritual and historical
significance around the country, like the Old City and the Church of the
Holy Sepulchre, in Jerusalem, the Jordan River and the Red Sea. They relaxed
in the soothing waters of the Dead Sea (called the Sea of Life by the Hebrew
Israelites because of its healing mineral content) and para-sailed over the
Red Sea. They even took part in an evening cruise on the Red Sea along with
members of the Hebrew Israelites.
Everywhere the family went, they were treated with the utmost respect even
gaining an invitation to meet Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, on the
eve of the peace negotiations. The entire country seemed invigorated by the
high level visit, especially coming at this time. It was a national chance
to exhale.
Every effort was made to maintain as much the personal privacy as possible
with such noted personalities. Only a few interviews were granted, though
there were literally hundreds of requests daily from all over the world. In
fact, the international media was so consumed with the visit, that it could
have easily become one week-long interview. Nevertheless, the family was
able to have some time for themselves, and not be mobbed at every turn for
autographs or plied for a song. They were able to re-energize and reflect
on personal matters, something they very rarely get a chance to do with the
unforgiving schedules which come with being stars in the entertainment
Their hosts for the trip, the African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem, are
led by anointed spiritual leader, Ben Ammi Ben-Israel. The Hebrew Israelites
are the largest organized community of former African Americans residing
anywhere outside of the U.S., with additional settlements across Africa and
in the Caribbean. Having established communities free of crime, drug abuse
and immorality, the Hebrew Israelites maintain a high level of creativity
and resourcefulness. A recent medical study coordinated by Meharry Medical
School in Nashville, TN proclaimed that the community has virtually
eradicated high blood pressure, cancer and cardiac arrest, three of the most
deadly illnesses of the modern era. The accomplishments of the past three
decades prompted BBC Focus on Africa Magazine to name Ben Ammi, one of the
most influential African personalities of the past 1000 years! It would seem
the logical choice that Bobby, Whitney and the family would want to spend
their time in the midst of people who look speak the same language and
share familiar background. Who would be a more practical host? Moreover, if
the concern is about safety and security, it is even more sensible to spend
time among people who have lived in Israel for more than 30 years and earned
a reputation for creating an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.
Whitney’s brother and sister-in-law, who serves as her business manager, had
visited Dimona twice over the past two years. Having found the atmosphere
regenerative and safe they encouraged Bobby and Whitney to come too. At a
press conference convened to mark the end of the sacred visitation to the
Holy Land, Bobby announced that the family is interested in returning to
Israel to perform… and maybe even to live!
1 JULY 2003