Whitney On Primetime...
[From Billboard]
Whitney Houston Acknowledges Drug Abuse
Whitney Houston admits she's abused drugs in the past, but says she's gotten
beyond that experience through prayer. The Grammy-winning singer also discusses the
pressures of stardom and her decade-long marriage to fellow performer Bobby Brown in an
interview with Diane Sawyer on "Primetime," scheduled to air at 9 p.m. EST
tomorrow (Dec. 4) on ABC.
When Sawyer asks her, "Is it alcohol? Is it marijuana? Is it cocaine? Is it
pills?" Houston responds, "It has been at times."
"All?" Sawyer asks. "At times," Houston says. "Uh-hm."
The 39-year-old concedes she's "addicted to a few things." "Making
love," Houston says. "I don't like to think of myself addicted. I like to think
... I had a bad habit ... which can be broken."
Houston's shockingly thin frame at last year's Michael Jackson tribute sparked reports
that she was ill, which she vehemently denies. She also says she's not anorexic or
bulimic. "Let's get that straight. I am not sick. OK?" she says. "I've
always been a thin girl. I am not going to be fat, ever. Let's get that straight. Whitney
is not going to be fat, ever."
Brown also appears in the interview, and says he's frequently used marijuana because he's
been diagnosed as bipolar. The 33-year-old was arrested last month in Atlanta on drug and
traffic charges. "Me and drugs. We're not friends. We're not friends at all,"
Brown says. "I'm a very high-strung person. ... [Marijuana] seems to help me ... from
going up and down."
Houston says she's done partying now, and has found strength through daily prayer. Her new
Arista album, "Just Whitney," is due Dec. 10. "I'm not the strongest every
day, but I'm not the weakest, either," she says. "And I won't break."