Love & Potty Talk...
News Report]
Love, Potty Talk Go Hand-In-Hand On
Bobby Brown's TV Show
06.30.2005 7:30 PM EDT
'Being Bobby Brown' looks to have its share of water-cooler moments.
Bobby, Bobby, Bobby ... The R&B bad boy
has always seemed a prime candidate for his own reality show, and now that
he's got one, those suspicions have been proven correct.
And just as Jessica had her "chicken of
the sea" moment and Britney had several sex-drive moments, there are things
that happen on "Being Bobby Brown" that are guaranteed to be discussed
around the water cooler the next day. Take, for example, when Brown talks
about assisting wife Whitney Houston with her bowel movements. Though the
details are probably best left unmentioned here, Houston called it "real
love," and neither of them seemed to think that it — or any part of their
lives — was such a big deal.
"[The show] is just what's going on in
that moment in my life," Brown said. "You might see me sitting all day in
the house. For me, it's me. For other people, for some reason, they see the
show and they're laughing, and I'm like, 'Why you laughing at me?' To them,
I'm funny."
Though he might not see it, Brown's a clown when he interacts with Houston,
who, despite the ever-present cameras, lets her guard down and shows us how
close the two are.
"Anyplace I go, she wants to be there with me," Brown said. "Anytime I would
go to work, she'd just come along. 'I'm coming with you!' For the most part,
she's with me, and that is my day. That's the way we shot it. The time I
spend with Whitney, the time I spend with other people, the time I spend
with my kids, that's what it is."
In the premiere episode, which airs at 10 p.m. Thursday (June 30) on Bravo,
Brown is on a quest to get that quality time, since he's just been released
from prison in Boston and hasn't seen Houston in over 30 days. To prep, he
goes into the hotel gift shop, grabs some Preparation H and dabs it under
his eyes, to the amazement of the store clerk.
In the second episode, Brown heads back to court — with Whitney in tow — to
face charges that he assaulted her a year earlier (see "Bobby Brown Turns
Himself In, Appears In Court With Whitney At His Side"). To celebrate that
he's allowed to go free on bail, he treats her to a spa visit. Those
frequent stops in court — and in jail — made Brown felt ready to do a
reality show, because his attitude was, he said, "Get me out and I'll do
anything." Plus, he's used to the cameras.
"I keep cameras in my house. I probably tape myself more than anyone else,"
he said. "And for the most part, I had planned to do something like this,
but it just never came together. I figure, they talk about me enough,
without even being around me, let the cameras talk. Why not? Let's make some
change out of it."
— Jennifer Vineyard