Whitney Comments to Promoter...
Adelaide Now: Whitney Houston coughs up an excuse for her abysmal
From: The Daily Telegraph February 26, 2010 11:30PM
Whitney fails to
impress Aussie fans
WHITNEY Houston's promoter
has revealed the cause of her coughing and breathlessness during her
Australian tour - she smokes. Andrew McManus said the singer, 46, had
refused to have her throat problems treated. He also said Houston was using
her faith to help her get through her much maligned tour Down Under, which
has been panned by critics and disappointed fans.
"Whitney smokes. God bless her, I can't tell her not to. She will not take
any substances. She just will not. It is what it is," McManus said. "She's
comfortable with the show she's performing. She knows she's not hitting
every note like she used to. But it's value for money, it's Whitney Houston
warts and all."
McManus said the gospel-loving Houston is aware of the haters and has told
him to stop protecting her because the critical attacks may be God's will.
"I talked to her after the Sydney show. I told her I have her back but she
said, 'If the good Lord wants me to be attacked and ridiculed that's the
road I have to go down'," McManus said. "It's an interesting approach. Here
I am being aggressive in trying to protect her and she said, 'I love you for
it but let it go. I can only give my best, if that's not good enough, so be
it. I'm comfortable in my own skin'." The promoter hinted that her
performance tonight at Hope Estate in the Hunter Valley may be an
improvement on her Brisbane and Sydney shows because it is outdoors.
"She's looking forward to singing outside and not in the confines of an air
conditioned venue," he said.
Hope Estate officials said yesterday they had been inundated with calls from
fans asking whether tonight's show would go ahead following her lambasted
performances in Brisbane and Sydney.
Houston spent yesterday on a Sydney Harbour cruise with daughter Bobbi
26 FEBRUARY 2010